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Trusted Landscapers in Bloomington, IN

ALC Landscaping is a full-service residential and commercial landscaping company in Bloomington, IN offering affordable options to help keep your lawn and property healthy and beautiful. Our owner has over a decade of service in the landscape industry and is committed to ensuring our work lives up to your expectations. Contact our friendly team to schedule a free quote today.

fresh mowed grass

Complete Landscaping Services

Working with a professional landscaping company like ours provides peace of mind that your property will be tended to with care by a reliable team that understands what is required to promote healthy environments. While anyone with a lawnmower might claim to know what they’re doing or offer to pull some weeds, can you be sure they understand how grass responds to certain blade lengths in different seasons? Can you trust them to know the difference between a weed and a newly sprouted flower before tackling your property? When you hire us, you can be confident your lawn and plantings are in the best care.

We Offer

Landscape Installation

Add dimension and curb appeal with small-scale hardscape projects, such as walkways, crushed stone, or patio areas.

Lawn Mowing

We offer weekly mowing and trimming in yards of all sizes using our professional equipment.

Retaining Walls

Our experienced team can assist with designing and installing durable retaining walls to meet your needs.

Shrub Trimming

We trim back overgrown shrubs, remove dead limbs and foliage, and keep your shrubs growing healthy every season.


Mulch is an attractive way to help the soil on your property retain moisture for healthy trees and plant growth. Choose a color to match your style.


Staying on top of weeding will not only keep unwanted growth and insects out of your flower beds, but it will mean fewer to deal with next year.

Shrub Removal

Without the right equipment, removing shrubs can be a challenge. Let us handle the difficult work of removing any shrubs and roots.

Stump Grinding

No tree removal job is complete without proper stump grinding. We’ll grind the stump and its roots into the ground so you can plant over it.

Get an Estimate for Landscape Service in Bloomington, IN

ALC Landscaping looks forward to serving your home or business in Bloomington, IN with our industry-leading landscape services. We’ve worked to build our reputation as a reliable and honest team. Contact us for a free estimate and learn more about our affordable services.

Get an Estimate Today!