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Learn About Franchise Opportunities

ALC Landscaping offers franchise opportunities for those interested in a rewarding career in landscaping. Our services are constantly in demand by home and business property owners because it removes time-consuming work but pays them back in other ways. A well-maintained landscape boosts property value. Are you interested in learning more about franchise opportunities? See below for frequently asked questions, and contact us to learn more.

How can I own an ALC Landscaping franchise?

Please call 812-345-5694 to learn more or email We are currently building a list of people interested in owning their own ALC Landscaping location and partnering with us.

How much does it cost to start my own location?

This depends on whether you want it to be a part-time or full-time opportunity. We will schedule a phone call with you to determine if a full-time or part-time business works better for you to start. A part-time lawn care and landscape location is a very low investment to get started, and we have the perfect business plan ready for you.

Can I own more than one ALC Landscaping franchise location?

Yes, we plan to allow franchisees to own several locations if that is their goal.

How often will I need to work to make sure the business is successful?

This can be customized and depends on your unique situation. If you want this to be a business that makes you an extra $5,000 to $15,000 profit on the side of your full-time job, we will help you achieve this. If done properly, you should not need to work more than 15 to 20 hours during the spring, summer, and fall months as long as you are in a good location. If you want to do this full-time and earn more money, it will require a typical 40+ hour work week, if not 60 to 70 hours. However, this depends on your unique goals. We will help you do a financial analysis and review your goals to determine the best course of action with your franchise location or locations.

What is the benefit of partnering with ALC Landscaping rather than going completely on my own?

When you partner with ALC Landscaping, it comes with the proven systems of success we’ve built over the past 11 years. We will save you years of trial and error, and we will also save you from potentially wasting tens of thousands of dollars by learning by trial and error on your own. You will also have our help with marketing, customer service, helping you with your phone calls and emails, the right financial plan, and executing the business properly. You’ll also have help getting your business set up legally with the right lawyer, accountant, and funding.

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