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Trusted Landscapers in Pittsburgh, PA

ALC Landscaping has roots in the landscaping industry that span over a decade, and we’re proud to bring our line of landscape services to home and business owners in the Pittsburgh, PA area. Our team is known for being thorough and knowledgeable about the best ways to brighten properties of all shapes and sizes, resulting in a welcoming landscape that is sure to be the envy of all your neighbors. Contact our team to learn what we can do for you and your property!

flowers and walkways

Complete Residential and Commercial Landscaping Services

We are your one-stop shop for all the landscaping services you need, no matter what season it is in western PA. Our goal is to ensure you have a healthy and gorgeous landscape to show off to friends and neighbors. Whether you rely on us for regular lawn maintenance or come to us for landscape installation services, you can always count on friendly, safe, and affordable landscape solutions that last.

What We Offer

Landscape Installation

What's your dream project? A new walkway? A patio out back? Our pros offer consultations to design a space that enhances your yard and makes you smile.

Lawn Mowing

Let us handle the time-consuming task of mowing and trimming your lawn. Our crew will show up regularly, so you won’t have to think twice about this chore.

Retaining Walls

We install decorative and functional retaining walls that help contain rainwater while protecting the landscape from harmful erosion. Plus, they add incredible curb appeal.

Shrub Trimming

Shrubs tend to take over spaces, grow into each other, and block the sun for other plants that need it. Keep them tamed and looking fantastic with our shrub trimming services.


Mulch is an attractive way to keep out weeds and provide a moist and healthy environment for plants and shrubs to thrive. We can re-mulch for you each season!


Weeds clutter flower beds, overtake flowers, and attract harmful insects that feed on vegetation. Give us a call to weed your beds and gardens, so you don't have to.

Shrub Removal

In addition to trimming and pruning, we remove unwanted bushes and shrubs to thin out growth or create more space for a cleaner look.

Stump Grinding

Wondering what to do about bare stumps sticking out of the ground? Call us for complete stump grinding services to remove any signs of old stumps.

Get an Estimate for Landscaping in Pittsburgh, PA

All it takes is one call to ALC Landscaping to learn about the fantastic landscaping services we can complete for you. We’ll provide you with a free estimate and walk you through our process to ensure you know exactly what to expect from our talented team of landscape professionals. Contact us to get your free estimate today.

Get an Estimate Today!